Thanks Norton

August 14th, 2005

Thanks a lot. Mostly for fooling me into thinking my network adapter was bad.

Hey, it’s time to update this stagnant thing. What is happening, hmm? Well, I went to Minnesota for several days last month, and didn’t take many worthwhile pictures except for these. While in the state of 10,000 lakes, I also did a little wireless access point scanning.

Oh well, now it looks like it’s time to upgrade WordPress to 1.5.2.

Bottle Rocket Comparison

July 4th, 2005

The three bottle rocket contendersIf you’re like any red-blooded American that likes to play with fire, you probably like fireworks. And if you’re like me, you probably like bottle rockets. I’ve launched probably a thousand of them over the past few years on and around Independence day. Unfortunately, not all bottle rockets are created equal. Today, I conducted a pseudo-scientific experiment to figure out just which brand works the best.
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Something Something

June 17th, 2005

Haven’t updated in awhile. Hmmm…I’ve recently discovered the joy that is the Metal Slug series of games. Haven’t played 5 or 6, but I think I saw what might have been supposed to be a screenshot of 6, and it looked like it was in 3D. Sometimes, translations of 2D platformers to 3D don’t work out too well, and I’m afraid that might be true in this case.


May 29th, 2005

Yeah, OK, so today is the day I notice that the comment form on posts here isn’t working at all. I’ve been forced to switch back to the default WordPress theme. Maybe I can find one that’s more appealing and works properly with 1.5 eventually.

Today we returned from helping my sister and her family move from Huntertown (near Fort Wayne) to Columbia City, Indiana. Naturally, I brought my laptop along to log access points from the freeway on the way there and back.


May 26th, 2005

Just upgraded to WordPress 1.5. The theme I was using took a little tweaking to get working, and it still doesn’t look exactly right. Luckily, I don’t care enough to spend more time on it right now.

Hard Drive Woes

May 20th, 2005

While attempting to remotely access my main home computer from here at work on Tuesday, I was rudely greeted by Windows’s “You have unplugged or ejected a device without stopping it” dialog, saying that my 200GB hard drive I use to store media had somehow been disconnected. I attempt to reboot my machine remotely, but it ended up just getting stuck, and I was unable to VNC into it anymore. Once I get home, I rebooted, and then began to scramble backing up all the important stuff on the drive. I noticed that the IDE channel it is using was forced into PIO mode instead of DMA, making the process quite slow.

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Oh No

May 13th, 2005

It’s Friday the 13th! On a completely unrelated note, if you haven’t read Paul Shirley’s Road Ramblings and his Playoff pundits, you’re missing out on some good, cynical humor. This is possibly the wittiest basketball player out there.


May 11th, 2005

Looks like the US is getting a national ID card. Click that to read Bruce Schneier’s comments (note that it was written two days ago), and click here to see what can be done.

Also, I found the pit bull ban in Denver to be quite ludicrous as well.